Cata Labs is building Catalyst, an open-source protocol in order to access permissionless cross-chain liquidity in a world of millions of modular chains. With Catalyst, each new chain will have an automatic liquidity connection to other chains of interest (e.g., other app environments or hubs like Ethereum and Cosmos).

Past audits with Cata Labs

Start Date
Cata Labs: Generalised Incentives TimeoutReportMar 2024SoliditySmart Contracts, Solidity, Cross-Chain
Cata Labs: Generalised IncentivesReportJan 2024SoliditySmart Contracts, Solidity, AMM
Catalyst #2ReportJan 2024SoliditySmart Contracts, Solidity, AMM
Catalyst #1ReportFeb 2023SoliditySmart Contracts, Solidity, AMM, Cross-Chain

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