Benjamin Mariano

VP of R&D

Benjamin Mariano specializes in developing automated techniques that help developers create safe code.

He has conducted academic research in the fields of program synthesis, program analysis, formal verification, and machine learning.

Previously, Benjamin worked at the Machine Programming Lab at Intel and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS).

Ben is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Texas at Austin. He earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park.

At Veridise, Ben serves as the VP of Research and Development and leads the development of Veridise’s in-house vulnerability detection tools, such as OrCa (an oracle-guided fuzzer). He also acts as the project lead in smart contract and blockchain auditing.

Experience overview


Go, Leo, Rust, Solidity, Typescript, Metamask Snap, NEAR, Solana, Halo2, mongoose, Solana


Smart Contracts, Wallet Integration, Infrastructure

Previous work

Academic work

Conference presentations

Benjamin has delivered presentations at numerous conferences

Finding Bugs in L2 Contracts with Fuzzing

15 min | ZK House Bogotá 2022

Automated Transpilation of Imperative...

15 min | OOPSLA 2022


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