Jacob van Geffen

Senior Research Scientist at Veridise

Jacob specializes in blockchain security audits across various verticals ​and participates in the development of our in-house vulnerability ​detection tools.

He has conducted academic research in formal methods, ​programming languages, static analysis, and zero-knowledge proofs.

Jacob earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of ​Washington in Seattle, focusing on programming languages, and his ​undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

Experience overview


Cairo, Circom, Go, Leo, Rust, Solidity, Typescript, Metamask Snap, Substrate, arkworks, mongoose


Smart Contracts, Zero Knowledge

Previous work

Conference presentations

Jacob has delivered presentations on our in-house tooling

Medjai: Verifying ZK ​Sm​art Contracts

18 min | EthCC 2​023

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